How to Get the Platinum Trophy in Rogue Galaxy?
Welcome to MetaGame's Rogue Galaxy PS4 Trophy Guide and Walkthrough! Read on to find everything you need to earn the platinum trophy. In the game you can unlock 35 trophies and there is a platinum trophy. This platinum is really long and not too difficult. The estimated time to earn 100% of the trophies is 95 hours.
Guide Overview
Trophy Difficulty: 4.5/10 Time to Platinum: 95h Playthroughs: 1 Trophies: 35
1 5 10 19Trophy Roadmap
- Complete all chapters, collectables, kill related trophies
- Miscellaneous trophies
- Grind
- Clean up
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Rogue Galaxy Trophies
It is advised to follow a guide to earn this platinum trophy. The trophy 'The Departure' will be the easiest one to unlock (Complete Chapter One). The bronze trophy 'A Strong Constitution' is the trophy that could be difficult (Reach level 99 with any character). It has a rarity of only 1.5%.
Common: 1 Rare: 13 Very Rare: 12 Ultra Rare: 9
Story: 13 Grind: 6 Collectable: 2
Platinum Trophy (Ultra Rare)

A True Star King
Unlock all trophies.
Common Trophies

Rare Trophies

A Skilled Swashbuckler
Learn a level three ability with Jaster.

Gimme Somethin' Tasty!
Use Toady to synthesize a new item.

Hot Knife Through Butter
Succesfully execute a Burning Strike attack.

Nimble Fingers
Disarm a trap set on a treasure chest.

Stellar Style
Change a character into an alternate outfit.

Definitely Not Treasure
Defeat a Mimic.

Very Rare Trophies

Space Beetles
Win a game of Insectron.

Trash Digger
Obtain the Rakshasa Heart item.

Whatever Works
Kill 10 enemies with thrown objects.

All Good Things
Complete Chapter Twelve.

Unlocking the Galaxy
Obtain the Earth, Star, and Sun keys.

Best in the Galaxy
Reach the top Hunter's Rank.

Bounty Hunter
Complete every Quarry hunt.
Ultra Rare Trophies

A Strong Constitution
Reach level 99 with any character.

Mirror, Mirror
Obtain the Mirror of Truth.

Inflict over 14,000 damage with a Burning Strike attack.

Space Whiz
Receive the Key to the Underworld by completing the Seventh Mystery.

Lord of the Bugs
Become the rank S Insectron champion.

Ghost Ship Conqueror
Defeat Doppelganger in the Ghost Ship Extreme.

Keeper of the Blades
Upgrade all legendary Seven-Star Swords to their final form.
Game Info
83Rogue Galaxy (PS4)Buy on AmazonGenres: RPG, Action Release: May 25, 2016 Platform: PS4 Price: $14.99 (PlayStation Store)
Developer: Level 5 Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Free on: PS Plus Premium